On Sunday I did something a little bit new... besides get up early and get cracking on a new morning routine...
In the middle of the afternoon... while my big kids were watching Pocahontas and the baby was (quite loudly) drifting off for her nap... I flipped to the "Midday Prayer" page in Common Prayer: A Liturgy For Ordinary Radicals...
And I fell in love with the words on the pages before me...
"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred let me bring love;..."
And at the end of it all Passing the Peace... but I am alone... who will I pass the peace to?
And I rejoiced as the number of likes grew... as people I don't know in real life commented... "And also with you."
This is a part of my community... brothers and sisters... some I know well... some I know a little and some I know not at all... passing the peace

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