One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are Ann VosKamp
Our 2 older children have a "special night" once a week... Special night in our house means that said child gets to stay up later... play on the iPad... and sleep with mom and dad.
I don't know at what age the baby will begin having special night... or what age it will all end... but I want to cherish it for as long as I can.
Tonight is Hudson's special night... This seven year old boy who made us a family. The baby that I asked with great hesitancy and embarrassment, for our small group to pray into my womb...
The positive pregnancy test on my birthday... a precious gift after the heartbreak of an angel baby 13 months earlier.
He has become an adventurous soul... and explorer of our country life... with wisdom to care for animals... courage to sled down our long steep drive way... and gentleness for his little sister.
And tonight he will curl up beside me... as close as he can get... making sure that is toes are wamed by my fleece pajamas... and we will partake in the quiet slumber that night brings us.

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