Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Looking Back... 2014

I was looking back through some old blog posts and I came across some questions I had responded to New Years Eve 2013.  I thought I would chose some other questions and do the same for 2014...

1. What was the most important lesson you learned in 2014?

What other people think of me should not be the driving force behind what I do.  I have learned that it is truly OK to say no and if the person you said no to is annoyed with you, well that's OK too.  I need to make decisions based on what is best for our family, not whether or not I will be approved of in the world.  I have also learned that whether I try to make someone else happy or not, my efforts probably won't change their opinion of me one way or the other.

2. What little things did you most enjoy during your day to day life?

For this I shall need to write a list:

  • Morning snuggles with my kiddos
  • Afternoon lattes on the deck or couch with Craig
  • Family walks to the end of the road
  • Spontaneous trips to town
  • Fun mail from far away friends
3. What was your favorite compliment that you received this year? 
There are two fantastic compliments that come to mind...

The first is the texts my dad sent as I released parts of a short story that I wrote.  I would often receive "When's the next chapter" as a message on my phone. 

 The second was a list of why I am awesome from one of my sister friends.  Even though it was slightly coerced.  There were things on the list that only someone who knew me really well would be able to compliment me on.  I loved being known and loved in that way.

How would you answer these questions?  Feel free to leave me a comment or a link to your New Years blog post.

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