Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What To Write to Your Sponsored Child's Mother.

I know it's only the end of February and Mother's Day seems very far away... but it's the perfect time to talk about what to write to your sponsored child's mother for Mother's Day.

Write about why you chose her child to sponsor

We chose our Compassion International children because they are each close in age to one of our three children and we hoped that would help our children to know what to write to their far away friends.

Tell her you love her child

Let her know that her child is precious to you.  That he or she is a part of your family.  That you are so happy to be their sponsor.  Tell her that you pray for her child often and that his or her picture is on your fridge (or where-ever you display it).

Be encouraging

Thank her for letting you be part of her child's life. Tell her that she is a good mama and she is providing wonderful opportunities for her child. 
Maybe include a poem, a quote or a scripture that relates to motherhood.

What are your ideas?  Are you sending your sponsored child's mother a letter for Mother's Day?

Linking up with Mary over at Giving Up on Perfect for Works for Me Wednesday.

The List

1 comment:

  1. Such a lovely thing to do. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x
