Friday, February 6, 2015

How to Make a Blogger's Day

The first rule of blogging?  Don't blog about blogging.  Rebel alert!

We bloggers are a curious sort.  We write about deeply personal, vulnerable things one day... and the next we give you tips on maintaining the habit of flossing your teeth.  Well maybe that's just my blog.

Really no matter what we write about, we have one innate desire... we want someone to read what we've written!

Here's how to make a blogger's day:


I LOVE COMMENTS!  I want to know that you were here... I want to interact with you.  I want to know my words are not just floating around out there in cyberspace.  Lost and lonely and calling out to be rescued...  Reading a comment on my blog is like chocolate and wine for my bloggy soul.


It's a rule you learned way back when you were 3... share.  If you like what you read... share.  There are some cute little buttons at the bottom of each of my posts so you can easily get the word out on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest ... etc. Go ahead and share the love!

Start a conversation

Send me a tweet asking a question. I'll respond I promise.  Post a respectful thought or two on my Facebook page and ask for opinions...  I'm confident they'll roll in.


So many of you have let me know that enjoy my rambling writing around here and it lifts my spirits and pushes me forward.  Thank you for your kind supportive words...

Send chocolate

Or make me dinner... or coffee... or... Well hey a girl can try right?  

Bloggy friends chime in here!  What would make your day?

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