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Sunday, January 18, 2015

33 Clothing Items for 3 months... What I wore Week 1

A couple of interesting twists in my first week of having 33 clothing items for 3 months...

  • My husband installed my new full length mirror on the wall... Which made me realize that I gotta get some pants and leggings that fit (and give away the ones that don't)
  • I lost a pair of boots for 2 days and ended up wearing Toms in the snow. My three year old found my boots at the end of day 2... I am not totally convinced that she wasn't hiding them in the first place. 
Here is my week of outfits:

Day 1: 

I really love this outfit.  This is my favorite scarf, a new cardigan I bought before the challenge but ad never worn from Target (RIP), Skinny jeans (a fab hand me down from a pal) and my amazing retro black boots... Oh and my grey tank top is hiding under the sweater.   

Day 2:

Another new cardigan and the skinny jeans again.  ( I may be developing a uniform). Layered navy and burgundy tank tops, and the really cool necklace my dad made for me.  This was the day my beige boots went missing... so I ended up wearing Toms.

Day 3:

Super casual hang out at home day.  Black leggings (which is 1 of the items needing replacement), black Target (RIP) cardi and my Sevenly Beauty tank.  I also tried a little something different with my hair that day.

Day 4: 

I went skiing and did not take a picture of me in my snow pants and puffy jacket.

Day 5:

Date night with Craig. Skinny jeans, grey sweater dress, black skinny belt, animal print scarf my mother-in-law made me that goes with nearly everything and my black boots.

Day 6: 

Cute and casual for Hudson's birthday party at the climbing gym... Boot cut jeans, burgundy tank, Sevenly Education Is Freedom Shirt, and carriage necklace.

What have you been wearing this week?


  1. I'm impressed! I'm not sure I could do this - and I'm not a clothes hound, just don't think I could make the decision for what I should choose to make it work.

  2. I would love a full length mirror in my room! Great outfits!

  3. Great job with the outfits. I totally don think I could do it but think that it is an awesome idea. I especially love day 5 and day 6 - they are both super cute!

  4. I love this idea. When it comes to shoes and clothing I'm somewhat of a minimalist (for a female).

  5. I'm liking day #5!! Right now I'm pregnant and on modified bed rest so I am wearing like the same 5 stretchy clothes and most happen to be back. Im a forced minimalist right now!
