Thursday, August 14, 2014

It Feels So Hopeless...

The news headlines these days are less than positive... Children being beheaded and put on display in a public park... Robin Williams taking his own life... Young men being murdered by police... and it all feels so hopeless...

I write a lot about love here on Goats Milk Lattes... but what do you do when you don't know how to love?  When your heart breaks and the tears fall... but there is literally nothing for you to do (and if there is something then please LET ME KNOW!)

I am not neutral about these things... I am angry... but where is the outlet to give rise to my anger and make it powerful?  To make it constructive in helping those who are oppressed and depressed...

How do we... the ordinary people make a difference in these tragedies?  Because I don't have a clue where to even start.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. When reading and knowing and having compassion is not enough.... What do we do? How would one even begin to help? Pray. Support missionaries on the foreground? Or start looking closer to home for something to put action into? ......
