Monday, March 17, 2014

Writing Crap Day 5: Because You Know Stuff Happens

Get back on the horse...

Words I am taking to heart today since my Writing Crap series took a little detour last week... because you know there was a spontaneous family vacation  field trip to Vancouver... and a sister to catch up with over pizza and wine... and a friend to have coffee with in the hospital lobby... and Ikea (need I say more?).

But what do you do to get back on track when your goal has been derailed?

1. Don't fall into the guilt trap... life happens... important things are going... relationships to strengthen... sick days... memories to be made... and it's ok.

2. Pick up where you left off... or wait until Monday and then start again... just kidding... really though you can usually jump back in and carry on.

3. Tweak your goal... just to give it a little more allure... to attract you to getting back on that horse... Maybe your goal is to write every day... how about tweaking that by taking a free online writing course or committing to learning ow to take better photos for your blog.

What would you add to my list?  How do you re enter into working toward your goals?
photo credit: Eduardo Amorim via photopin cc

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