Sunday, September 8, 2013

Opening to ?

I am restless... blame it on a new school year... or recovering from surgery... too many unfinished house projects... whatever the reason I have a need to start something feeling.
I want to create... maybe come up with an amazing business idea... or completely organize my bedroom and revamp my wardrobe...
Alas wisdom ( and maybe the creeping in cynicism of age) have taught me that while these things are good... they are fleeting... they do not create wholeness... often they don't even satisfy enough to actually finish the project.
So I am going to choose waiting... and prayer... and healing...
I am going to choose surrender... divine inspiration... and to see the story that is so much bigger than me...

And looking back I will hopefully see the grand adventure of loving with abandon... and opening up my heart to embrace His gentle... careful... tender whispers.

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